Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rolling Emotions

Hey world! Once again, this is a post for class, I believe its unit 5 already, can you believe it?! Midterms are already passed, and I still have a 100% in this class! What is even more amazing though is that I have a 87% in my math class, which is amazing for me. Not going to lie, in high school I put next to NO effort in my classes because I had a really smart best friend and an amazingly smart boyfriend, and school was the last thing on my mind. Now that I have to have a certain GPA to keep my government funding, I care a little more about my education. It sounds bad, but I'm just being honest. This week has been a crazy one. My car finally dumped on me, so I've been riding my bike to and from work. I don't live too far so it's not so bad, and it's a really good workout, but I just wasn't feeling it this week ON TOP of my spin classes at night. My car finally got fixed tonight though, so I'm looking forward to sleeping in those extra couple of minutes! Nana also passed away, and it's been a little rough. She's my best friend's grandma, but I've always loved and thought of her as another grandma to me too, in a weird kinda way. It hurts to see my friend so sad and not be able to be home for her. I hopefully will be able to come home this weekend though, so that'll be nice. Work has also been super crazy. I love being entrusted in so many things, but at the same time I feel like if I miss a beat I'm letting them down, and that just kills me. But I love going above and beyond for the soldiers, because I know the majority of them appreciated the last little bit of help that they get. The wedding thing still stresses me out MAJORLY. I've been super good about saving my money for it, but just everything seems to be adding up faster and faster, and I feel like I'm drowning thinking of all of it. Any spare time that I'm not at work or doing school work, I'm figuring out stuff for the wedding. My mom STILL doesn't have her date either yet. Rarrrr. My paper is coming along okay, but I need to get working on it. If I have any spare time this weekend, I'm going to try to knock out the first draft. We'll see though! Okay, gotta run. See you all soon!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amanda,

    My daughter rides her bike to and from work when her car gives out. She drives an old 73 Mercedes and it gave her a good bit of trouble this winter. The motor does not quit, but she has various troubles like a windshield wiper not working, the defrost/heat does not work, one of the windows will not roll up all the way, and recently someone ran into one of her doors in her apt parking lot. She works for an environmental consulting firm and does not want her co-workers to see the heap she drives, so she parks it in an obscure corner of the parking lot. :-)

    I tell her, hey . . . it is a GOLD MERCEDES . . . and vintage! And, paid for!!

    Wedding plans always seem to balloon out of proportion and if they are anything like mine were, the bride got stuck with overwhelming last minute details and did not get to enjoy everything as much as the rest of the crowd! Beware!
