Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Burn out

Oof alright, here it goes.
My week has been a hectic one. My grades have stayed really good, but that's about all I can say right now. Work has been super hectic, with getting a lot of worked dumped on me, and if it isn't done right that instant, I'm the one to blame. I really hate complaining, but I've only been there 3 months and I'm already worn out. My wedding planning is getting a little frustrating as well, as finding vendors is getting harder and harder as the days go on. But i cannot wait until this weekend! We get a four day pass, and I'm taking advantage of it and going to New York City to meet my fiance there and spend time with his family and his son. We have a whole weekend planned- Friday night=Coney Island, Saturday=Six Flags Great Adventure, Sunday=Tour of the city. I'm so excited, I can barely stand it! That's pretty much all that's getting me through this week. I'm hoping to get a lot of my paper done this week, so wish me luck! Alright, I have to go make supper now. Talk to you all soon!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rolling Emotions

Hey world! Once again, this is a post for class, I believe its unit 5 already, can you believe it?! Midterms are already passed, and I still have a 100% in this class! What is even more amazing though is that I have a 87% in my math class, which is amazing for me. Not going to lie, in high school I put next to NO effort in my classes because I had a really smart best friend and an amazingly smart boyfriend, and school was the last thing on my mind. Now that I have to have a certain GPA to keep my government funding, I care a little more about my education. It sounds bad, but I'm just being honest. This week has been a crazy one. My car finally dumped on me, so I've been riding my bike to and from work. I don't live too far so it's not so bad, and it's a really good workout, but I just wasn't feeling it this week ON TOP of my spin classes at night. My car finally got fixed tonight though, so I'm looking forward to sleeping in those extra couple of minutes! Nana also passed away, and it's been a little rough. She's my best friend's grandma, but I've always loved and thought of her as another grandma to me too, in a weird kinda way. It hurts to see my friend so sad and not be able to be home for her. I hopefully will be able to come home this weekend though, so that'll be nice. Work has also been super crazy. I love being entrusted in so many things, but at the same time I feel like if I miss a beat I'm letting them down, and that just kills me. But I love going above and beyond for the soldiers, because I know the majority of them appreciated the last little bit of help that they get. The wedding thing still stresses me out MAJORLY. I've been super good about saving my money for it, but just everything seems to be adding up faster and faster, and I feel like I'm drowning thinking of all of it. Any spare time that I'm not at work or doing school work, I'm figuring out stuff for the wedding. My mom STILL doesn't have her date either yet. Rarrrr. My paper is coming along okay, but I need to get working on it. If I have any spare time this weekend, I'm going to try to knock out the first draft. We'll see though! Okay, gotta run. See you all soon!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Hey everyone!!
Once again, this one is for my class, Unit 4! Wow, I can't believe we're that far into it. I can't believe how time flies by so fast sometimes. The only question I saw that she wanted us to blog about was describing any changes or challenges we have had. As far as my paper goes, I've already run into some. Like I said, I'm doing my final project on Military Veteran PTSD. It's hard for me to keep my emotions and opinions separate from what I'm researching. Fortunately though, many of the people I work either with or for have PTSD themselves, so I'm able to get a lot of good and variation opinions about this. As far as challenges for my regular life though, trying to balance work, school and planning my wedding has been my hugest challenge. I've been getting a lot of crap at work, so I'm just trying to keep everything separate I guess. Gets a little hard though. I'm doing pretty good in this class, it's my math class I'm worried about. Hope I pass!! Alright, time for class. Talk to ya'll soon!! :)


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Hey everyone! This is my first blog post pertaining to class, and like I said I will try to keep posting in between so you all can get to know me! J

One of the topics that were suggested to talk about was how we like being an online student. Personally, I love it! I was never one to pay attention in a class-room environment during high school; my mind would always be in other places. Truthfully, I barely passed my classes. Now that I’ve been doing online school though, I seem to have a lot more focus and dedication, and I’m also less tempted to ask others for help and just do everything on my own, which helps me be more independent. I love that I can sit on my couch or on my bed in my sweats, eat dinner, fold laundry and clean my house while I’m in the middle of class (can you tell I love to multi-task!). It would be nice to sometimes have some one-on-one time with teachers, especially with subjects that you’re struggling with (for me, it’s math), but Kaplan has an awesome online tutoring session that you can attend on top of your weekly seminars. I’m happy with my progression here online, and I hope I can continue to do so.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hi everyone!!
So I'm super new at this whole blogging thing, but I gotta give it a shot because it counts for a grade for school! Without going into too much detail--here's a bit about myself..

I'm a Medic in the United States Army, and proud to serve my country each and every single day. Seeing I work full time, I'm trying to get as much education as I can done online. On my spare time I like to read books (history mainly), watch movies (BIG Disney fanatic!), hang out with friends/family, and I love to dance. I'm engaged and getting married this fall to a CRAZY Puerto Rican from New York, but I love him to death!! Seeing he's in the military though, we unfortunately have to do the long-distance bit for awhile. Stinks, but it's worth it. I am the oldest with 3 little brothers, whom I love dearly. We got super close while my mom was over in Iraq (yes, it's turning out to be a military family!), and I don't know what I'd do without them. My mom is no doubt my idol and my hero- I admire her every day for her courage and strength, and I hope one day I'll turn out just like her.

A lot of my posts will be for my Composition class, but hey, if I get the hang of it, maybe I'll do some more!

Til next time-