Wednesday, June 2, 2010

City of Dreams

Hey ya'll! So this past weekend I went to New York City to visit my fiance and his son and family. It was wonderful! I had so much fun. I love that little boy with all of my heart. It went by way too fast though :(. I also got a lot done as far as my wedding planning is concerned. Still looking for a cake and DJ though! I'm so happy that I got my first draft done on the plane ride, it made time fly by so fast! School seems to be going a lot better for me right now, which helps everything else out a lot. Work can get pretty crazy, so knowing I'm doing good at at least one thing makes things so much easier.
While I was in NYC I realized something- depending on where you grow up and what kind of environment you lived in, is how your attitude and personality effects your life. I'm really grateful to my mother for raising me the way she did, even if I might be a little small-town-minded ;).
Okay all- I'm still super sick and congested, so I'm going to cut this short. Sorry if it didn't make much sense- I really am on all kinds of medications! Take care and talk to ya'll soon! 

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