Thursday, June 24, 2010

The End!

Congratulations to my whole class! We finally made it! I'm so excited. I've never done so well in school, or felt so confident in my writing abilities! The only advice I have for anyone who is writing a scientific paper in the future is, make sure you choose a topic that you want to genuinely know and find out information about. That's what helped me stay focus and want to do the best I could at it. I wanted to keep going and reading and interviewing people about it, which I have a feeling I will.
It was so great to meet you all, and I wish you all best in the future!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Almost there!

Alright guys, we're almost done! Our final projects are due this week in class, and to be honest, I'm a little nervous for my final grade. While I'm pretty confident in what I did, I am always going to be my biggest critic. In reality, I am just plain tired at this point. Between this paper and my other paper for my math class that I've barely started because I've focused so much into this one, I'm just pooped. I will admit I am a little more confident in my writing abilities,  but know there is always room for improvement. There are many other topics I would love to explore and write about, and honestly, a lot of them pertain to the military. I like being able to explore my field on a different level. One really cool thing that I just came about, and I really hope I can find a way to incorporate it into my final project, is that we just in-processed a soldier that was in the Ft. Hood shootings. I asked her a few questions on my topic seeing she was a more-recent case, and she was happy to answer. I have so much respect for her- she knows she has a problem, but is able to deal with it in a way that doesn't over-run her life. Alright, class is about to start, so I'm going to stop blogging for the day. Hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, June 11, 2010

**Cuz I'm Proud To Be An American**

Hey everyone!! So I'm super tired, but I want to hurry up and get my assignments done! I convinced my friend from Wisconsin to come visit me, so I'm super excited. Today for work our entire post had a military ball for the Army's birthday. It was really awesome, and I highly suggest that anyone that has the opportunity to go to one to do so. Everyone gets super dressed up and looks really nice. The presentation of colors was really fun, but for me the most humbling and the saddest was when we recognized the "not present soldiers" table. Knowing and remembering that there are fellow comrades that aren't there because of what they did for us and our freedom. I always end up crying-I'll be honest. It was fun though. My paper is almost done, I still need to add some things. To be honest, I can't wait until this term is over. I need a break, even though it's only a week long. Okay, I got to get going everyone. Talk to you all soonn!! 

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

City of Dreams

Hey ya'll! So this past weekend I went to New York City to visit my fiance and his son and family. It was wonderful! I had so much fun. I love that little boy with all of my heart. It went by way too fast though :(. I also got a lot done as far as my wedding planning is concerned. Still looking for a cake and DJ though! I'm so happy that I got my first draft done on the plane ride, it made time fly by so fast! School seems to be going a lot better for me right now, which helps everything else out a lot. Work can get pretty crazy, so knowing I'm doing good at at least one thing makes things so much easier.
While I was in NYC I realized something- depending on where you grow up and what kind of environment you lived in, is how your attitude and personality effects your life. I'm really grateful to my mother for raising me the way she did, even if I might be a little small-town-minded ;).
Okay all- I'm still super sick and congested, so I'm going to cut this short. Sorry if it didn't make much sense- I really am on all kinds of medications! Take care and talk to ya'll soon!